-- We seek to create wealth via innovations in technology.
-- Literature Reviews
-- Internet Systems: Interoperable Data and Modeling.
-- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
-- The M Language (via MIT).
-- Materials Science.
-- Specialized aspects of precision agriculture.
-- Supply chain, logistics, operations management.
-- Mathematical Modeling.
-- General management.
-- Trademarks
1. Spatial Autocorrelation and the Identification of Subtle Structure in Raster Imaging Data, USDA Docket No. 0013.15 and MIT TLO.
2. Modified Dixon-Sliver Heuristic (MODS), MIT TLO Case No. 13645.
3. Lee-Schuster Semantic Enterprise Architecture, MIT TLO Case No. 13745.
4. Kratulos, MIT TLO Case No. 13752.
5. The M Language Web Site, MIT TLO Case No. 13110.
*Also see; Machine - to - Machine communication.
6. The Business Model Data Spawn 2008.
7. Hyper-spectral Image Signature Analysis (formation - multiple authors).
8. Spatial Design of Experiments (formation - multiple authors).
9. Jefferization (formation - multiple authors).
10. Harvest Risk (formation - multiple authors)
google scholar
Biomaterials, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Management Science, Supply Chain, Precision Agriculture
Edmund William Schuster, sometimes cited as E. W. Schuster, has held several different research and administrative appointments since 2000 at MIT within the departments of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and five labs including Langer Lab, David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. He is currently working on several independent projects in materials science and the M Language.
Previously, Ed worked in corporate management at Welch’s, Inc. (Concord, MA), an agricultural cooperative and leading producer of Concord grape and other fruit products. He has been actively involved in research and has published over 130 articles and papers. Colleagues have cited these works over 2,150 times. He has authored a popular book published by Springer titled Global RFID: the Value of the EPCglobal Network for Supply Chain Management.
Ed is associated with several start up firms in Cambridge and San Francisco including ReadyTouch, Inc., a player in cloud services and POS systems areas with a concentration on innovations in food service. He is the publisher of Fabric for Dispersed Knowledge, a blog with daily updates established in Fall 2006. The blog contains over 11,700 posts.
** Keyword Search for This Blog
Blogger has a powerful capability to establish a search based on keywords. The search updates with each new blog post. I do not observe any in the Blogger community taking advantage of this way of dealing with semantics and organizing information. Please note that Blooger now limits returns to 25 posts. Below are links organized by keyword:
1. Agriculture
2. Business and Markets
3. Commodities
4. Companies
5. Macroeconomics
6. Materials
7. MIT Auto-ID Center
10. Supply Chain